Meet the Team: Dr. Sarah Cross, National Operations Coordinator

After seven years, QUOD’s founding National Operations Coordinator, Sandrine Rendel, moved on earlier this year to a new role at Imperial College. We remain deeply grateful for all that she has done to establish and grow QUOD! Fortunately, we have found an excellent new Coordinator in Dr. Sarah Cross, and we are quite excited for the depth and breadth of experience that she brings to QUOD. You’ll be hearing much more from her as she settles into the role, but here’s a little introduction.

What were you doing most recently before joining QUOD?
I have spent the past 14 years working as a Research Scientist in Islet Transplantation and as the Deputy Manager of the Human Islet Isolation Facility here in Oxford. This involved many long hours isolating islets for both clinical transplantation and research purposes, as well as leading a small team of researchers studying the impact of donor variables on isolated islet quality and function.

What interested you about working with QUOD?
Having been immersed in the field of transplantation for my entire career, I have seen the incredible impact that transplantation has on the lives of recipients. I have been aware of QUOD for a while and wanted to use the knowledge and experiences gained through my academic background to help drive QUOD forward to fulfil its amazing potential as a national bioresource to facilitate world-class research.  

What does your role in QUOD involve?
I’m only a few weeks into the role so I’m currently discovering this myself! However, my main duties involve coordinating the QUOD team both here in Oxford and at our hub sites throughout the country. I am responsible for the governance of QUOD and all the regulatory aspects of the QUOD biobank.

Lightning round time. Milk chocolate or dark?
Both, all chocolate is greatly appreciated!

Favourite place in Oxford?
As a keen runner I enjoy discovering the quieter parts of Oxford – an early summer’s morning run around Christchurch Meadow is idyllic.

Ideal holiday destination?
I absolutely adore New York and am fortunate to have a local guide whenever I visit as my brother lives there. 

Primary COVID-19 lockdown survival method?
I’m extremely thankful that I moved house last year to a home that has a separate office for me to shut myself away in and a lovely garden so the kids can run around and burn off their endless energy!

Finally, what kinds of inquiries should people bring to you, and how best can they reach you?
Please get in touch with any queries via my email – If I don’t have the answer myself, I’ll pass it on to one of the other very knowledgeable members of the QUOD team!