Access Samples

Before applying to access QUOD samples, please review the access policy, requirements and guidance below. If you wish to apply for QUOD samples please see the ‘How to Apply’ section at the bottom of this page

Access Policy


Access Requirements


Guidance for Researchers


How to Apply

  • In order to access QUOD samples please complete the Part A Form: Preliminary application, then submit this form via email to Part A Form requirements include: a brief outline of the study proposed and the number and types of samples to be requested.
  • The information will be reviewed by the QUOD Data Manager who will then invite you to provide more detailed information in a Part B Form: Full application for access to the QUOD bioresource. Part B Form applications are then submitted to the QUOD Steering Committee for review.
  • Once your application has been approved, and the relevant agreements signed, samples matching your selection criteria, together with relevant clinical data (if applicable) will be prepared and dispatched.

Please note: QUOD aims to acknowledge and support all applications as soon as possible after receipt.

If you have any questions relating to our sample applications, please contact us.