Digitised Slide Library

A new QUOD resource:
Digitised Slide Library

QUOD offers researchers digitised histology images linked to donor and recipient metadata. This new service has been enabled as research projects who have previously analysed histology slides provide back to QUOD the digitised images following the completion of the projects. Digitised images (without the annotation from previous analyses) of kidney and liver histology slides stained (e.g H&E, PAS, etc.) are now available to new projects. 

This new QUOD initiative aims to support “dry” research projects that focus only on data or imaging analysis, the generation of new research hypotheses that could lead to new projects requiring selection and analysis of new QUOD samples, and finally could foster new collaborations between research teams with diverse expertise.

How to Apply – Access to digitised QUOD histology images follows the same application process as for biobanking samples with the requirement first to submit a preliminary application (Part A Form) followed by a full application (Part B Form).

Cost recovery charges – Charges for acquiring QUOD samples are limited to cost recovery charges, keeping costs low and affordable to researchers. Cost recovery charges for digitised histology images are reviewed regularly and calculated on the basis of data storage costs and costs related to processing your application for images and data.

The current charges are:

0 to 50 digitised slides£ 160£ 280
51 to 250 digitised slides£ 295£ 520
251 to 500 digitised slides£ 475£ 830
Every following 250 digitised slides£ 200£ 350

(An extra charge is applied for industry-driven applications as a contribution to the QUOD infrastructure.)