Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) is responsible for feedback to the QUOD Assembly and has oversight over the QUOD National Management Team (NMT) and the Regional Teams. The SC meet at least three times per year.

The responsibilities of the SC include:

  1. Ensuring that there is an appropriate governance framework in place.
  2. Oversight of employment into QUOD-related positions.
  3. Ensuring QUOD related activities occur in compliance with the Human Tissue Act.
  4. Ensuring agreements and the necessary contracts are established between NHSBT, University of Oxford, and other retrieval zones.
  5. Review serious adverse events.
  6. Review major changes to protocols.
  7. Review budgets and financial aspects of QUOD.
  8. Reviewing timelines and milestones of the programme, including recruitment rates and completion of procured data.
  9. Reviewing scientific proposals for access to QUOD related samples/data.
  10. Feedback to the QUOD Assembly.
  11. Report to the NHSBT R&D Committee.

SC Voting Members:

SC ChairQUOD Coordinating Principle Investigator
Clinical Research CoordinatorBasic Science Research Coordinator
Associate Medical Director for R&DMedical Director for OTDT
National Deputy Clinical Lead for ODStatistics & Clinical Studies Representative
QUOD Principle Investigator (Birmingham Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Cambridge Region)
QUOD Principle Investigator (Glasgow Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Harefield Region)
QUOD Principle Investigator (Cardiff Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Edinburgh Region)
QUOD Principle Investigator (Kings Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Manchester Region)
QUOD Principle Investigator (Newcastle Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Leeds Region)
QUOD Principle Investigator (Oxford Region)QUOD Principle Investigator (Royal Free Region)
NHSBT RINTAG RepresentativeWhole Organ Representative
Lay Members (7 in total)
Updated June 2023

SC advisory members (non-voting):

NHSBT Representative (NHSBT Director of Quality)NHSBT Research Liaison Representative
OTDT Operations Assistant DirectorNHSBT Clinical/Operational Liaison Representative
ROC RepresentativeSNOD Lead Representation
NHSBT Statistician RepresentativeNHSBT Transplant Advisory Group Representative (Kidney Transplantation)
NHSBT Transplant Advisory Group Representative (CT Transplantation)NHSBT Transplant Advisory Group Representative (Liver Transplantation)
NHSBT Transplant Advisory Group Representative (Pancreas Transplantation)International Advisory Member (Netherlands)
International Advisory Member (France)International Advisory Member (Austria)
Charity Diabetes UKCharity Kidney Research UK
Updated June 2023

SC management team members:

QUOD National Operational CoordinatorQUOD Newcastle Operational Coordinator
QUOD National Data CoordinatorQUOD Transplant Research Project Manager
QUOD Administrator
Updated 2023

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